When is enough, enough?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 tnguyen308 2 Comments

At what point does it take for me to change directions and take a new path? When do I say, "the work I'm creating is not making me a better designer?" And at that time, when do I go? How would I know when it is time to say good-bye?

I've been toying with an idea for years now but was never sure when it would be a good time to jump on it. When is anything ever a good time to pursue? How has it been possible that I've let myself be in a situation where I don't know what I can do to change it for the better? I can't even remember the last time I was really truly happy doing what I do, even being remotely excited to get out of bed.

What do I do now?


Unknown said...

I'll tell you what I had to do: since I started working over 5 years ago, I had to fight with teammates and managers and project stakeholders to make sure that I was happy with the work I was doing. My happiness in the workplace could only be adjusted by my own actions and I made it my priority. Roughly half of it was producing high quality work, the other half (roughly) was fixing the process so that others could perform better as well.

I think what really helped was that I realized that they work for me as much as I work for them.

Follow your dreams, girlfriend! Go on with yo bad self!