The Path Made Clear

Friday, August 10, 2012 Phi Nguyen 2 Comments

After a lot of research and deliberation, we have decided to pursue our adoption through the country of Moldova. Moldova is a little known country in eastern Europe. Geographically, it's a small landlocked country nestled in between Romania and Ukraine. It's a country that is considered the poorest in Europe as it struggles to reach economic stability. Orphan children have a particularly bleak future ahead of them where it is estimated that 70% of the girls end up in prostitution and human trafficking. Having decided on adopting a girl, we felt even more compelled to search for our daughter here to save her from such an uncertain future.

This decision does force us to make some concessions. We had earlier hoped to find a daughter of mixed Caucasian and Asian ancestry, but that is much less likely in Moldova than in other countries. Even so, the children in Moldova have just as beautiful and unique an ancestry. Another concession we will have to make is on the age of the child. Moldova, being a Hague Convention country gives priority to native Moldovan adoptive parents before the child is made available to international adoptions. This means the child will be two years or older by the time they are eligible for us to adopt them. We were originally hoping to adopt an infant, so this took my wife a little while to accept. She had her heart set on adopting a baby, but I think she realizes that a slightly older child will be just as wonderful and no less a blessing. Somewhere out there, our daughter is waiting for us to find her.

I truly believe that this is the path that God is leading us down. I know that He believes we possess the unique qualities to take on something that is as challenging as this. He believes in us. I'm convinced of that.

There are plenty of people who can have a kid, but not everyone can be a parent. We are meant to be parents.


JamieB said...

I'm so touched by reading this post. You both are going to be amazing parents - I see it each time you're with your nephews, your brother and even your neighbors little stinkers :)
I can't wait to meet this little girl and see what God has waiting for you through the process!

The last line is so true. I wish you the best in this long yet worthwhile journey :)