birthday fun weekend
So, we had a fun filled weekend. It was Phi's 27th birthday and boy was it a packed one. First we went to Dan and Jess's post Halloween, Halloween Surprise for Phi party. We were Princess Peach and Dr. Mario. We had a blast. Thanks guys. Then off to the Rockets home opener against Portland. Boy do I hate parking downtown, especially when you forget to get cash. Now, that was a real drag. We managed to get in before tip-off, but they ran out of free shirts, oh well. Surprise #2, I got his friends to all meet us at the top of our section at half-time and boy was he not surprised. Dude, he was thinking about his birthday plans for like ever, "I wonder what she will do, will it be like this or that?" I don't know if I'll be ever to throw him a surprise party again. Then on Sunday, he had a feast to remember. I made him breakfast in bed, which included turkey bacon, hashbrowns (I grated a potato myself), pancakes, two types of eggs (sunny side up and scrambled) and a fruit salad. He was full right until a lunch feast at his parents house. I would say his birthday was grrrrrrape!
that is a pretty good picture.
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